Do you know your “WHY”?

by admin on November 16, 2011

Do you know Your “WHY”

In her hot new book, “Smart Women Know Their WHY”, Sheri McConnell confirms what we already know from the Cross of Wisdom; in order to really be truly successful, to finally unlock the Cross of Prosperity, you (man or woman!) absolutely must Know Your Purpose.

To begin the process of discovery, to not only Know Your Purpose, but to help Know Yourself as well, McConnell advises that you get in the habit of asking “why”.

  • Why do I do what I do?
  • Why do I really want what I want?
  • Why am I here?
  • Why am I making this choice?
  • Why do I always end up back here?
  • Why am I feeling this joy?
  • Why am I feeling this pain?
  • Why not?

In regards to your business, she suggests these additional questions.

  • Why am I creating this product or service?
  • Why am I serving this target market?
  • Why am I charging this for my products or services?
  • Why am I not meeting my goals?
  • Why do I manage people and/or projects this way?
  • Why am I the best person to lead this movement?

As a matter of fact, taking the time to ask “why” is really the key to exploring the whole Cross of Wisdom, from knowing yourself and your purpose, to knowing your world and your God, whatever you prefer to call Him – Allah, Yahweh,  Science, or The Universe.

  • Why is this the best way to perform this task?
  • Why do people react the way they do?
  • Why do they buy what they buy?
  • Why do they believe what they believe?
  • Why do I believe what I believe?
  • Why do I expect what I expect?

The failure to ask “why” is the essence of what Scott Peck describes as the innate laziness of humanity, and is the fundamental reason so many fail to achieve the success they desire.   Of course, just simply asking the question in and of its self is not enough.  You must also be willing to search for the answers; read books, find mentors, turn off the “noise” (TV, radio, computer, cell phone, etc.) once in a while, skip the “party”, and give yourself time to think and to hear your inner voice.

If your purpose in life really involves making a positive change through social entrepreneurship, you absolutely must get over your intellectual laziness and start asking “WHY?



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